Soon available on the job market?

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As a recent graduate, register as a job seeker with one of the following organizations, depending on where you live:


This registration (on site or online) will enable you to start your work placement and access a range of services offered by these organizations. It will also provide you information on the rights and obligations associated with your new status, whether you decide to look for work, move abroad or return to education.

As soon as you reach the age of 25, or if you're working, you'll also need to register to a mutual insurance company to benefit from healthcare reimbursements.


ULiège Career Center

+32 (0)4 366 56 89

Bâtiment O.1 (entrée IBIS, 7e étage)
Place de la République française 41 | B-4000 Liège

updated on 6/30/23